Sunday, 24 August 2014
Q: How often do reports update?
A: Your impression, click, conversion and revenue reports are updated every hour. Reporting server timezone setting is GMT -7 Hours (Newyork Time)
Q: Which type of campaigns will be displayed in my ad space?
A: Our ad server is an automation system that finds relevant campaigns for your visitors. %7 of total impressions we serve are learning campaigns. Ad server serves the most paying and relevant campaign for your ad space every time.
Q: Can I block a campaign?
A: No. You can't block specific campaigns from your account. H12 Media's ad server has an automation system that finds relevant campaigns for your visitors and website. And these are not self-managed most of time.
Q: I have noticed that one of your ad campaign redirect my users from my website. What can I do?
A: Redirecting your visitors from your website is a prohibited advertisement policy by all of the exchanges at display networks. We need to report this spam action to our exchange partners. Please contact us with that information: Screen Shot, Country Information, Mobile/Desktop (Your device type), Your Website URL. We'll take action as soon as we received your email.
Q: What is your CPM? / What is your price for per click?
A: H12 Media does not provide a fixed CPM rate, base CPM rate or fixed CPC for campaigns in your account. CPM rate can be different for any website according to country traffic, click rates, conversion rates and content channel (Content type you serve) information, campaigns, competitors on your website's traffic, etc. We prefer not to give an average about your CPM rate.
Q: Is there any limitation about payment request?
A: Only one limitation about payment requests is monthly request limit for publisher accounts. Currently, publishers can make 4 requests per month. If you would like to do 5th payment request in same month, system will give you a notice to try it next month.
Q: Is there any TAX deduction in payments?
A: There is only %10 Tax deduction for publishers that locate in Turkey. For Example, if you are a publisher in Turkey and requested a payment 100 USD, 10 USD of your requested amount will be deducted to pay tax office and 90 USD will be sent you.
Q: Do I have to send invoices?
A: No. But if you would send them we would appreciate.
Q: Where and when should I send invoices?
A: After got payment please send your invoices within 30 days to
Q: What are the payment options and terms?
A: There are two way to get your money from H12 Media. Currently: 1. Paypal, 2. Wire Transfer.
There are two different schedule date for requested payments: 1. Immediate 2. 30 days later.
When you choose "Immediate Schedule", H12 Media will apply a 10% risk fee for your payment and you will get your requested amount's 90% at scheduled date. If you choose "30 Days Later Schedule", you will get your requested amount as it is. No fee will be applied to your requested amount.
Paypal payments will immediately pass to your account after processed. Wire transfers can take up to 5 business days to pass your account according your bank and country.
Currently, minimum payout limit to "Paypal" is 5 USD, and 500 USD for "Wire Transfer"
Q: How can I increase my CPM rate?
A: First of all you have to be patience about your CPM rate volatility in your account. Your website's inventory in a marketplace and there are many advertisers in that marketplace to buy some traffic. We are working to find more buyers for this marketplace to increase your CPM rate. When there are more advertisers to buy traffic, CPM rate will increase. Other ways are related to your website and visitors. Please provide as much traffic as you can to our banners. Place H12 banners to places that your visitors can recognize. Click rates and conversion rates are very important about CPM rate. If advertisers can't get conversions (goals) from your website, they can exclude your domain from their lists and this situation results with a decrease at your CPM rate. Please use "ON VIDEO" banners, "SLIDING BANNERS", "SITE-UNDER POPS" with standard banner as well. Provide us "good click rates" and "high traffic".
Q: How many banners can I place per page?
A: We recommend you to place up to 3 standard banners + 1 sliding banner + 1 on-video banner + 1 Site Under into your website. (For each page)
If you place more than "3 standard banners" per page, ad-server may not count this impressions that come from 4th or 5th banners. Because ad-server know that these are from the same page and if there is a CPM campaign, it may not count that impressions "in order not to increase advertiser cost".
For example, if you have 300K page views that can display ads to users (outside adblocker users), and placed 6 banner per page, you expect 1800K banner impressions per day. But it's a high probability to see under 1800K impressions at your reports. Placing too many banners in a page is not a good option for both of your visitors and advertisers. Your visitors can get bored, your advertiser cost can increase unfairly.
Q: What are the best CPM rate providing ad-types?
A: Best CPM rate providing banner types are: Site Under Pop, On-Video Banners, Sliding Banners (728x90 and 300x250), Pre-Pop Banner
Q: My ad space is blank. I only see H12 logo at corner. What can I do?
A: Please contact us with your domain name/url. We'll solve possible issues with your ads as soon as possible.
Q: I could not get payment. What can I do?
A: Please complete your account details including Phone Number, Address, Contact Name, Country. And check your payment details for your selected option to get your money from H12. (Paypal or Wire Transfer informations) And after that contact to H12 Media. We'll solve possible issues with your payment as soon as possible.
Q: Can I use H12 Media banners in every website that I own?
A: Please do not use H12 Media banner tags in not submitted, rejected or suspended websites. This type of activity may cause website suspension and account deactivation.
All publisher websites/domain names must be reviewed by H12 Media before ad-serving. That's why we require "Site Ownership Verification".
Q: How H12 Media optimizes publisher revenues and what should I know about H12 Media publisher revenue optimization platform?
A: Newly approved websites need to run banners at least 7 days and provide good CTR at beginning in order to let H12 Media revenue optimization platform get succeed.
Best giving sizes are: 300x250, 728x90 and 160x600. Each banner size optimization is separate process for H12 Media automation system.
If your domain name is not blacklisted at Appnexus ad servers, you will benefit from programmatic RTB premium (CPM) selling of your traffic.
H12 Media does not guarantee good and competitive eCPM rate for the placements locating above the fold and for the placements that have low view through rate.
H12 Media does not guarantee good and competitive eCPM rate for the websites that mainly loaded with Pop Serving, More than One Pop Serving, too much ad loaded (more than 5 banners per page) websites.
H12 Media may not be a good option for you to earn good if you have less than "10000 (10K) banner impressions/day". H12 Media is not a CPC network. We have CPM, CPC and CPA campaigns for global traffic and our system is optimizing the campaigns automatically to let you earn more. But this is not meaning that you will earn for each impressions or click. You can only earn for each conversion (CPA campaigns). For other campaigns you will earn per click (CPC campaigns) or per view/CPV/impression (CPM campaigns).
If you are using a fixed CPM partner while monetizing your traffic, you can use H12 Media banner codes as pass-back tag provider. But it is highly recommended to use H12 Media banner codes directly and top of your ad providers. Because, our unique platform combines premium CPM selling of your inventory on RTB platforms and %100 full fill CPC and CPA campaigns.
If you remove banners or stop sending traffic to your banners for a few days long, your revenues may decrease after starting banner serving again. Because we need traffic to optimize them. Especially at premium selling platforms.
H12 Media will use some partners such as Yahoo Ad Exchange, Appnexus, Criteo, PulsePoint Exchange, DoubleClick and Direct Advertiser campaigns to optimize your revenues and mostly you will earn more than your current or previous partner. You may earn %25 to %100 more than your current Appnexus or Yahoo partner with H12 Media.
H12 Media does not guarantee mentioned increasing if your domain name blacklisted at one of our ad servers or ad provider (partners).
Frequently Asked Questions for Publishers
A: Your impression, click, conversion and revenue reports are updated every hour. Reporting server timezone setting is GMT -7 Hours (Newyork Time)
Q: Which type of campaigns will be displayed in my ad space?
A: Our ad server is an automation system that finds relevant campaigns for your visitors. %7 of total impressions we serve are learning campaigns. Ad server serves the most paying and relevant campaign for your ad space every time.
Q: Can I block a campaign?
A: No. You can't block specific campaigns from your account. H12 Media's ad server has an automation system that finds relevant campaigns for your visitors and website. And these are not self-managed most of time.
Q: I have noticed that one of your ad campaign redirect my users from my website. What can I do?
A: Redirecting your visitors from your website is a prohibited advertisement policy by all of the exchanges at display networks. We need to report this spam action to our exchange partners. Please contact us with that information: Screen Shot, Country Information, Mobile/Desktop (Your device type), Your Website URL. We'll take action as soon as we received your email.
Q: What is your CPM? / What is your price for per click?
A: H12 Media does not provide a fixed CPM rate, base CPM rate or fixed CPC for campaigns in your account. CPM rate can be different for any website according to country traffic, click rates, conversion rates and content channel (Content type you serve) information, campaigns, competitors on your website's traffic, etc. We prefer not to give an average about your CPM rate.
Q: Is there any limitation about payment request?
A: Only one limitation about payment requests is monthly request limit for publisher accounts. Currently, publishers can make 4 requests per month. If you would like to do 5th payment request in same month, system will give you a notice to try it next month.
Q: Is there any TAX deduction in payments?
A: There is only %10 Tax deduction for publishers that locate in Turkey. For Example, if you are a publisher in Turkey and requested a payment 100 USD, 10 USD of your requested amount will be deducted to pay tax office and 90 USD will be sent you.
Q: Do I have to send invoices?
A: No. But if you would send them we would appreciate.
Q: Where and when should I send invoices?
A: After got payment please send your invoices within 30 days to
Q: What are the payment options and terms?
A: There are two way to get your money from H12 Media. Currently: 1. Paypal, 2. Wire Transfer.
There are two different schedule date for requested payments: 1. Immediate 2. 30 days later.
When you choose "Immediate Schedule", H12 Media will apply a 10% risk fee for your payment and you will get your requested amount's 90% at scheduled date. If you choose "30 Days Later Schedule", you will get your requested amount as it is. No fee will be applied to your requested amount.
Paypal payments will immediately pass to your account after processed. Wire transfers can take up to 5 business days to pass your account according your bank and country.
Currently, minimum payout limit to "Paypal" is 5 USD, and 500 USD for "Wire Transfer"
Q: How can I increase my CPM rate?
A: First of all you have to be patience about your CPM rate volatility in your account. Your website's inventory in a marketplace and there are many advertisers in that marketplace to buy some traffic. We are working to find more buyers for this marketplace to increase your CPM rate. When there are more advertisers to buy traffic, CPM rate will increase. Other ways are related to your website and visitors. Please provide as much traffic as you can to our banners. Place H12 banners to places that your visitors can recognize. Click rates and conversion rates are very important about CPM rate. If advertisers can't get conversions (goals) from your website, they can exclude your domain from their lists and this situation results with a decrease at your CPM rate. Please use "ON VIDEO" banners, "SLIDING BANNERS", "SITE-UNDER POPS" with standard banner as well. Provide us "good click rates" and "high traffic".
Q: How many banners can I place per page?
A: We recommend you to place up to 3 standard banners + 1 sliding banner + 1 on-video banner + 1 Site Under into your website. (For each page)
If you place more than "3 standard banners" per page, ad-server may not count this impressions that come from 4th or 5th banners. Because ad-server know that these are from the same page and if there is a CPM campaign, it may not count that impressions "in order not to increase advertiser cost".
For example, if you have 300K page views that can display ads to users (outside adblocker users), and placed 6 banner per page, you expect 1800K banner impressions per day. But it's a high probability to see under 1800K impressions at your reports. Placing too many banners in a page is not a good option for both of your visitors and advertisers. Your visitors can get bored, your advertiser cost can increase unfairly.
Q: What are the best CPM rate providing ad-types?
A: Best CPM rate providing banner types are: Site Under Pop, On-Video Banners, Sliding Banners (728x90 and 300x250), Pre-Pop Banner
Q: My ad space is blank. I only see H12 logo at corner. What can I do?
A: Please contact us with your domain name/url. We'll solve possible issues with your ads as soon as possible.
Q: I could not get payment. What can I do?
A: Please complete your account details including Phone Number, Address, Contact Name, Country. And check your payment details for your selected option to get your money from H12. (Paypal or Wire Transfer informations) And after that contact to H12 Media. We'll solve possible issues with your payment as soon as possible.
Q: Can I use H12 Media banners in every website that I own?
A: Please do not use H12 Media banner tags in not submitted, rejected or suspended websites. This type of activity may cause website suspension and account deactivation.
All publisher websites/domain names must be reviewed by H12 Media before ad-serving. That's why we require "Site Ownership Verification".
Q: How H12 Media optimizes publisher revenues and what should I know about H12 Media publisher revenue optimization platform?
A: Newly approved websites need to run banners at least 7 days and provide good CTR at beginning in order to let H12 Media revenue optimization platform get succeed.
Best giving sizes are: 300x250, 728x90 and 160x600. Each banner size optimization is separate process for H12 Media automation system.
If your domain name is not blacklisted at Appnexus ad servers, you will benefit from programmatic RTB premium (CPM) selling of your traffic.
H12 Media does not guarantee good and competitive eCPM rate for the placements locating above the fold and for the placements that have low view through rate.
H12 Media does not guarantee good and competitive eCPM rate for the websites that mainly loaded with Pop Serving, More than One Pop Serving, too much ad loaded (more than 5 banners per page) websites.
H12 Media may not be a good option for you to earn good if you have less than "10000 (10K) banner impressions/day". H12 Media is not a CPC network. We have CPM, CPC and CPA campaigns for global traffic and our system is optimizing the campaigns automatically to let you earn more. But this is not meaning that you will earn for each impressions or click. You can only earn for each conversion (CPA campaigns). For other campaigns you will earn per click (CPC campaigns) or per view/CPV/impression (CPM campaigns).
If you are using a fixed CPM partner while monetizing your traffic, you can use H12 Media banner codes as pass-back tag provider. But it is highly recommended to use H12 Media banner codes directly and top of your ad providers. Because, our unique platform combines premium CPM selling of your inventory on RTB platforms and %100 full fill CPC and CPA campaigns.
If you remove banners or stop sending traffic to your banners for a few days long, your revenues may decrease after starting banner serving again. Because we need traffic to optimize them. Especially at premium selling platforms.
H12 Media will use some partners such as Yahoo Ad Exchange, Appnexus, Criteo, PulsePoint Exchange, DoubleClick and Direct Advertiser campaigns to optimize your revenues and mostly you will earn more than your current or previous partner. You may earn %25 to %100 more than your current Appnexus or Yahoo partner with H12 Media.
H12 Media does not guarantee mentioned increasing if your domain name blacklisted at one of our ad servers or ad provider (partners).
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
[GUIDE] Galaxy S4 Sim-Unlocking
[GUIDE] Galaxy S4 Sim-Unlocking
Follow steps carefully and correctly.[COLOR=LemonChiffon]
1. Dial *#0011#

2. press Menu then tap BACK

3. press the Menu again the tap KEY INPUT then enter 1, press OK button
4. press Menu then tap BACK
Your are now in the SERVICE MODE MAIN MENU

Tap [1]UMTS




then tap [3]PERSO SHA256 OFF

Go back to the UMTS MAIN MENU by pressing Menu then Back then tap [6]COMMON

then [6]NV REBUILD

then tap [4]RESTORE BACK UP

the device will freeze, black screen, Blue LED Light, Menu and Back key ON. Wait for it to reboot (about a minute).
Your Samsung Galaxy I9505 is now Sim-Unlocked.

METHOD 2 - artnada
This is what I did. Slightly different to OP.
I did this with my AUTHORISED Sim in first.
1. Dial *#0011#
2. press Menu then tap BACK
3. press the Menu again the tap KEY INPUT then enter 1, (wait a few seconds) it auto jumped into service menu.
4. press Menu then tap BACK (not needed for me)
Your are now in the SERVICE MODE MAIN MENU
Tap [1]UMTS (may auto go into next menu (mine did)
then tap [3]PERSO SHA256 OFF
Go back to the UMTS MAIN MENU by pressing Menu then Back (several times)
then tap [6]COMMON
then [6]NV REBUILD (if this does not work next time)
the device will freeze, black screen, Blue LED Light, Menu and Back key ON. Wait for it to reboot (about a minute).
Your Samsung Galaxy I9505 is now Sim-Unlocked.
When I booted back in with AUTHORISED sim, I had to turn off Mobile Data, then turn it on.
I then turned off the phone, put my UNAUTHORSIED Sim in, booted back up and NO NETWORK PIN request!
Again, I had to turn off Mobile data, then turn it back on. The UNAUTHORSIED Sim worked!!! 
My previously locked to Three UK GT-I9505 is now unlocked to all networks  Thanks again to XDA (Y)
It has been reported that this is indeed a "permanent" unlock:
artnada's tests:
I had sim unlocked my phone when I was on the "djemby" pre-rooted I9505XXUAME2-DEODEXED-KNOX-FREE-HD-VOICE
I have just re-flashed my original factory Three ROM. I9505XXUAMDC_I9505H3GAMD6_I9505XXUAMDC_HOME and the Sim unlock was still UNLOCKED!
I then re-flashed back to I9505XXUAME2-DEODEXED-KNOX-FREE-HD-VOICE.tar.md5 and the sim unlock was still UNLOCKED!
So, I think we can safely say this sim unlock method is a permanent unlock!
1. Dial *#0011#
2. press Menu then tap BACK
3. press the Menu again the tap KEY INPUT then enter 1, press OK button
4. press Menu then tap BACK
Your are now in the SERVICE MODE MAIN MENU
Tap [1]UMTS
then tap [3]PERSO SHA256 OFF
Go back to the UMTS MAIN MENU by pressing Menu then Back then tap [6]COMMON
then [6]NV REBUILD
then tap [4]RESTORE BACK UP
the device will freeze, black screen, Blue LED Light, Menu and Back key ON. Wait for it to reboot (about a minute).
Your Samsung Galaxy I9505 is now Sim-Unlocked.
METHOD 2 - artnada
This is what I did. Slightly different to OP.
I did this with my AUTHORISED Sim in first.
1. Dial *#0011#
2. press Menu then tap BACK
3. press the Menu again the tap KEY INPUT then enter 1, (wait a few seconds) it auto jumped into service menu.
4. press Menu then tap BACK (not needed for me)
Your are now in the SERVICE MODE MAIN MENU
Tap [1]UMTS (may auto go into next menu (mine did)
then tap [3]PERSO SHA256 OFF
Go back to the UMTS MAIN MENU by pressing Menu then Back (several times)
then tap [6]COMMON
then [6]NV REBUILD (if this does not work next time)
the device will freeze, black screen, Blue LED Light, Menu and Back key ON. Wait for it to reboot (about a minute).
Your Samsung Galaxy I9505 is now Sim-Unlocked.
When I booted back in with AUTHORISED sim, I had to turn off Mobile Data, then turn it on.
I then turned off the phone, put my UNAUTHORSIED Sim in, booted back up and NO NETWORK PIN request!
Again, I had to turn off Mobile data, then turn it back on. The UNAUTHORSIED Sim worked!!! 
My previously locked to Three UK GT-I9505 is now unlocked to all networks  Thanks again to XDA (Y)
It has been reported that this is indeed a "permanent" unlock:
artnada's tests:
I had sim unlocked my phone when I was on the "djemby" pre-rooted I9505XXUAME2-DEODEXED-KNOX-FREE-HD-VOICE
I have just re-flashed my original factory Three ROM. I9505XXUAMDC_I9505H3GAMD6_I9505XXUAMDC_HOME and the Sim unlock was still UNLOCKED!
I then re-flashed back to I9505XXUAME2-DEODEXED-KNOX-FREE-HD-VOICE.tar.md5 and the sim unlock was still UNLOCKED!
So, I think we can safely say this sim unlock method is a permanent unlock!
[Root] step by step Manual i8190 (N,L,T,I) Galaxy S3 Mini
[Root] step by step Manual i8190 (N,L,T,I) Galaxy S3 Mini
How to Root I8190 / I8190N / I8190L / I8190T Galaxy S3 Mini -
STEP BY STEP rooting manual for GSM-Hosting users
I have some good news today.
Official recovery files from CWD i found.
What we have?
Simple, now we hav easy and fast way for root any I8190 L, I, T, N Galaxy S3 Mini.
Just Follow Manual now.
1. Step
- Download Samsung USB drivers ----> Click HERE
- Download ODIN 3.04 from ----> Click HERE
- Download recovery image from here ------> Click HERE!
- Download SuperSu Last version ----> Click HERE
2. Step
- Turn off phone, then switch to download mode:
press together [volume down]+[home button]+[power button] (all at once),
press [volume up] for comfirm download mode.
- Connect usb cable, install drivers.
3. Step
- Run Odin 3.04, ticked 2 option F.reset times+auto reboot,
- Extract !Select PDA and browse to where you have extracted ecovery-clockwork-touch-
and select it
4. Step
- Odin should show device under 1 of ID:COM port.(if this not happends repeat from STEP 2)
- Press START.
- Phone should power on after flashing complete.
5. Step - ROOTING:
- Copy Downloaded SUperSU to externel sdcard (NOT INTERNAL ! )
- Power off your phone, after press [Vol up] + [Power] + [Home button] (all at once)
- Select Install zip from sdcard --->choose zip from sdcard ---> scroll to and open folder where located> choise>
comfirm - YES - Install Update
Done ! And you are ready to go
thanks goes to chotu.
You can also use old method for root i8190 - prerooted firmware.
After few days i will update thread and will add link for prerooted Firmware.
i8190 prerooted - will be HERE.
i8190 prerooted - will be HERE.
Stock Firmware thread for I8190 ---> Here!
STEP BY STEP rooting manual for GSM-Hosting users
I have some good news today.
Official recovery files from CWD i found.
What we have?
Simple, now we hav easy and fast way for root any I8190 L, I, T, N Galaxy S3 Mini.
Just Follow Manual now.
1. Step
- Download Samsung USB drivers ----> Click HERE
- Download ODIN 3.04 from ----> Click HERE
- Download recovery image from here ------> Click HERE!
- Download SuperSu Last version ----> Click HERE
2. Step
- Turn off phone, then switch to download mode:
press together [volume down]+[home button]+[power button] (all at once),
press [volume up] for comfirm download mode.
- Connect usb cable, install drivers.
3. Step
- Run Odin 3.04, ticked 2 option F.reset times+auto reboot,
- Extract !Select PDA and browse to where you have extracted ecovery-clockwork-touch-
and select it
4. Step
- Odin should show device under 1 of ID:COM port.(if this not happends repeat from STEP 2)
- Press START.
- Phone should power on after flashing complete.
5. Step - ROOTING:
- Copy Downloaded SUperSU to externel sdcard (NOT INTERNAL ! )
- Power off your phone, after press [Vol up] + [Power] + [Home button] (all at once)
- Select Install zip from sdcard --->choose zip from sdcard ---> scroll to and open folder where located> choise>
comfirm - YES - Install Update
Done ! And you are ready to go
thanks goes to chotu.
You can also use old method for root i8190 - prerooted firmware.
After few days i will update thread and will add link for prerooted Firmware.
i8190 prerooted - will be HERE.
i8190 prerooted - will be HERE.
Stock Firmware thread for I8190 ---> Here!
How to update I9300 firmware without imei or network damaged
How to update I9300 firmware without imei or network damaged
Many users face network or imei problem after upgrading their phones to a new version of android os.So here is a guide for upgrading I9300 without any problem.
P.S: This guide is for imei changed I9300.
Q: My phone version is 4.0.4 can i jump direct to 4.1.2?
A: yes, there is no problem to jumping to newer version.
Q: my phone is rooted, may i lose root data after using this guide?
A: No you will not lose your root using this method.
Q: I have many personal data in my phone may i lose them after upgradeing to new os?
A: No, you will not lose any data from phone after upgrading.
Q: Can ı downgrade my I9300 using this guide?
A: No, this guide is only for upgrading to new version.
Whitch tools are required for this method?
1.Any software tool (have to use .TAR file for flashing) E.x: Nspro box or odin.
2.Odin service software (for who doesnt have any tool box)
3.Alzip program for edit flash file.
4.Lastest version stock rom for I9300 (Lastest relase is 4.1.2)
1.Open flash file with alzip u will see some files named modem, hidden, etc. delete only modem part and save it alzip will automaticlly compress the file again. ns pro or other tool ,select flash file and start flashing.
3.After flash done just control phone version and enjoy it.
this method tested by me many times, so feel free to ask any question about any problems.
Download links:
Odin flasher
I9300 flash file
P.S: This guide is for imei changed I9300.
Q: My phone version is 4.0.4 can i jump direct to 4.1.2?
A: yes, there is no problem to jumping to newer version.
Q: my phone is rooted, may i lose root data after using this guide?
A: No you will not lose your root using this method.
Q: I have many personal data in my phone may i lose them after upgradeing to new os?
A: No, you will not lose any data from phone after upgrading.
Q: Can ı downgrade my I9300 using this guide?
A: No, this guide is only for upgrading to new version.
Whitch tools are required for this method?
1.Any software tool (have to use .TAR file for flashing) E.x: Nspro box or odin.
2.Odin service software (for who doesnt have any tool box)
3.Alzip program for edit flash file.
4.Lastest version stock rom for I9300 (Lastest relase is 4.1.2)
1.Open flash file with alzip u will see some files named modem, hidden, etc. delete only modem part and save it alzip will automaticlly compress the file again. ns pro or other tool ,select flash file and start flashing.
3.After flash done just control phone version and enjoy it.
this method tested by me many times, so feel free to ask any question about any problems.
Download links:
Odin flasher
I9300 flash file
All Android Samsung Hard reset codes & combinations:
Galaxy S i9000 hardware reset manual:
Note: Please back up all of your personal data before you proceed.
All data will be deleted on your Samsung I9000 Galaxy S by doing this procedure.
However, this process will NOT delete data stored on the microSD memory card.
To Hard Reset Samsung I9000 Galaxy S
1. Turn the power off. If your Samsung Galaxy S is frozen, pull the battery out and reinsert it
2. Hold the Volume Down button
3. Press and release the Power button
4. You are now presented with a menu that allows for Fastbook, Recovery, Clear Storage, and Simlock
5. Select Clear Storage by pressing the Volume Down button
6. Press and release the Power button
7. Now simply confirm your decision: Volume Up for YES and Volume Down for NO
If YES is selected, all data including third-party applications will be deleted from your Samsung I9000 Galaxy S.
Once the wipe is complete, the phone will reboot to its factory fresh state.
Galaxy S2 i9100 hardware reset manual:
If you want to hard reset your Samsung I9100 please follow this:
1. Press and hold Volume UP + Home + Power button together.
2. Release all buttons once Samsung Logo comes one.
3. After a bit it shall ask you to enter a password.
4. Enter wrong password about 5 or 6 times.
5. Before entering the password, a warning sign will come that you will lose all your data on SD card.
6. After enter the wrong password last time, phone will enter into boot menu.
7. Select 'wipe data' option, it will tell you to confirm again.
8. After wipe off, boot menu will give you option to reboot phone.
9. Hard reset is done!! Piece of cake. Right!
Galaxy S3 i9300 hardware reset manual:
Hard Reset by button combination.
Sometimes the code may not always useful specially when your Samsung Galaxy S3 is frozen
and become unresponsive or in other sever unresponsive problem like it just stuck on welcome screen logo.
To fix it, just then again
1. Remove the battery out, then put it back again.
2. Don't power it ON yet,
3. Just press and hold the Volume Up, Center button and Power button at the same time.
A menu will then appear that let choose with an option.
Just use the volume button to toggle and select the wipe data/factory reset, that will then reset your Galaxy S III to it's factory default settings.
more comings soon....
Galaxy S i9000 hardware reset manual:
Note: Please back up all of your personal data before you proceed.
All data will be deleted on your Samsung I9000 Galaxy S by doing this procedure.
However, this process will NOT delete data stored on the microSD memory card.
To Hard Reset Samsung I9000 Galaxy S
1. Turn the power off. If your Samsung Galaxy S is frozen, pull the battery out and reinsert it
2. Hold the Volume Down button
3. Press and release the Power button
4. You are now presented with a menu that allows for Fastbook, Recovery, Clear Storage, and Simlock
5. Select Clear Storage by pressing the Volume Down button
6. Press and release the Power button
7. Now simply confirm your decision: Volume Up for YES and Volume Down for NO
If YES is selected, all data including third-party applications will be deleted from your Samsung I9000 Galaxy S.
Once the wipe is complete, the phone will reboot to its factory fresh state.
Galaxy S2 i9100 hardware reset manual:
If you want to hard reset your Samsung I9100 please follow this:
1. Press and hold Volume UP + Home + Power button together.
2. Release all buttons once Samsung Logo comes one.
3. After a bit it shall ask you to enter a password.
4. Enter wrong password about 5 or 6 times.
5. Before entering the password, a warning sign will come that you will lose all your data on SD card.
6. After enter the wrong password last time, phone will enter into boot menu.
7. Select 'wipe data' option, it will tell you to confirm again.
8. After wipe off, boot menu will give you option to reboot phone.
9. Hard reset is done!! Piece of cake. Right!
Galaxy S3 i9300 hardware reset manual:
Hard Reset by button combination.
Sometimes the code may not always useful specially when your Samsung Galaxy S3 is frozen
and become unresponsive or in other sever unresponsive problem like it just stuck on welcome screen logo.
To fix it, just then again
1. Remove the battery out, then put it back again.
2. Don't power it ON yet,
3. Just press and hold the Volume Up, Center button and Power button at the same time.
A menu will then appear that let choose with an option.
Just use the volume button to toggle and select the wipe data/factory reset, that will then reset your Galaxy S III to it's factory default settings.
more comings soon....
Monday, 18 August 2014
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